Monday, May 13, 2013

I'll Find You

You fought off the fever as best you could, but the medicine hadn’t kicked in and it was apparent that your senses were even more exposed than they usually are. 

You shivered in the lobby of the photo studio begging your mother and I to take you home, as I prayed that the medicine would take hold and assist your body in fighting off the fever. 

We had planned on the pictures for months now and rescheduling was a hard option that we were staring directly in the face. I wasn’t counting on the photographer. Here we were smack in the middle of one of your more epic meltdowns, and he came outside, and asked if you would like to take pictures outside where it was warm. 

It was so simple, so unnecessary, and yet he came your way, and you started to tame the monster inside of you. Your eyes were red, your arms crossed in a protective stance. Guarding yourself from the things in this world that constantly assault you. You were still closed off to the world, but we came to you. I let you lash out at me, as you usually do, and he came with an olive branch. I promised you a long time ago that wherever you go, I would follow and find you when the monster came out to play. I am thankful today for the help of a stranger. 

Thanks Luke