Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Very Happy Holiday

I thought when we found out Spirit was on the spectrum it would be a challenge, and most times a trial. I was wrong. Knowing how Spirit's mind works does nothing more than assist me in understanding why he is reacting the way he is, or why he is doing the things he is doing.

The holidays have always been a challenge for us, Spirit has always seemed impatient, ungrateful, and unsettled. Turns out that he was, all of those things, and yet this year there was a difference. The difference was with me. I saw him differently.

I thought when we found out about Spirit, I wanted people to leave it alone. I wanted people to treat him as they always had. Now not so much, I find as people understand more about Spirit and his condition, it changes both their expectations, and the reactions they have. More often than not, he is exceeding those expectations.

"It's fun to do the impossible."

Walt Disney said it, and we're going to live it. This holiday season has proved to me Spirit is only limited by those things he places in front of himself. My job is to remove those obstacles. As people saw how Heart and I reacted to Spirit, they took the opportunity to follow our example. It's hard to educate by example, but it seems to be our lot in life. The reason it is hard is because it requires Heart and I to be perfect in our reactions to Spirit. Yeah...that's easy. PFFT!

For some reason this holiday season went perfectly. What are some of the theories on why?

Theory 1: Heart and I were more patient and aware of Spirit and his limitations, necessity for predictability, and then the necessary fail safe. (the DS Brayden is almost never without.

Theory 2: Spirit is thinking his way through his condition, and beginning to predict outcomes based on his reactions.

Theory 3: Those that love and surround Spirit are making adjustments to how they interact with Sprit, thus creating an environment where he has more successful interactions, giving him more confidence and opportunities to express himself.

Theory 4: Heavenly Father knows what he is doing and it is a combination of all of the above.

The Spirit of Heavenly Father is working in our lives and as long as we don't do anything to offend it we will be assisted and all those around Spirit will be assisted as well. I don't think it means we won't have problems, but the assistance needed to solve those problems.

The Holidays were Happy and I thank my Heavenly Father and everyone around us that love us and especially those that love Spirit. Thank You to all of You. We will make it, but only with your help.